

It is important for purchasers in the education segment to balance many responsibilities—protecting the well being of students and faculty, upholding environmentally sustainable standards and working within very tight budgets.

Education iconKruger Products offers many 100% recycled products which are environmentally friendly and help to reduce overall consumption in your washrooms because they function well. In addition, these product solutions can actually reduce the spread of illness in schools because they support good hygiene regiments.


Kruger Products has product solutions for Educational Establishments:

  1. Cost-in-Use Benefits.

    High traffic areas and carefully controlled maintenance budgets usually go hand in hand. Kruger Products offers bathroom tissue, hand towel, and skin care solutions that are specifically designed to address budget needs via controlled dispensing solutions which reduce waste resulting in lower cost per use.

  2. Hygiene Importance.

    Close contact and insufficient hygiene contributes to the communicable nature of colds, especially in school-age children. Studies have proven that mandatory, scheduled hand washing among school children can be effective in preventing the transmission of disease, especially gastrointestinal illness and potentially decrease absenteeism among students and teachers. Kruger Products offers system solutions to keep restrooms clean and teachers and students free from unnecessary illness ensuring the expectations of students and parents for excellence are met not only in the classroom but in all areas of an educational facility.

  3. Sustainability Options Necessary.

    Throughout the manufacturing process products are designed to meet strict environmental guidelines and government regulations. This puts us in the forefront of sustainable manufacturing practises.

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